
Do you ever get that annoying eye twitch that won’t go away for days? You’re trying to figure out why it keeps happening, asking yourself if you’re really stressed or have something heavy on your mind. Or sometimes you’re sound asleep at night and your leg gets a severe cramp that shoots you out of bed. You’re hydrating and stretching, eating bananas like they’re going out of style, yet cramps keep happening and everything you try isn’t working.

40% to 60% of people are deficient in magnesium. Nowa days our food is becoming less and less nutrient dense, and we’re having to take supplements to make up for what it is lacking. Not many of us are realizing this, so we consume more of what we know but playing catch up is just not happening.

Some red flags that you may have a magnesium deficiency include headaches, migraines, constipation, muscle tension, eye twitching, cramps (even menstrual cramps may be eased by taking magnesium!), restless leg syndrome, and sleep issues. These are such common issues that a lot of us don’t even think twice about them. But over time they can become painful and an every day occurrence.

The best time to consume magnesium is at night, with food in your belly. The reason for this is because in the morning, cortisol levels are high. Cortisol is meant to suppress the immune system and aid in metabolism of fat, protein and carbs. Meaning we don’t absorb and process nutrients as easily as we do in the evening when levels are low.

Natural foods such as nuts and seeds, dark greens and legumes are high in magnesium. However taking a supplement is helpful, and should always be discussed with your physician before consuming.

One of the best ways to increase magnesium is by taking epsom salt baths! Your body easily absorbs magnesium through the skin. Plus who doesn't need to chill out and take a bath every now and then?!

Kirsten Malmendier